When Jeanie was a young girl, everyone knew she was different. When she got into school, the labeling began. She had so many learning disabilities and physical differences she stood out. She had dyslexia, she couldn’t talk very well, she was legally blind, by the eighth grade she was six feet tall, she was a cancer survivor, and the list goes on. She was told she would never amount to much. She remembers sitting in the classroom with her parents and her teachers listening to the discussion about her dismal future. Jeanie and her parents had different ideas. Delbert and Martha, Jeanie’s parents, did not spend so much time, money, emotional stress battling childhood cancer with her just to give up now. They knew she would find a way.
When Jeanie got into high school she decided she was not going to let someone else tell her how her future would go. She sought out the tools that helped her graduate high school then she went on to college. She was the first in her family to graduate from a four-year university.
Jeanie used her learning patterns to help others become successful as well. She went on to become a high school teacher and helped many students find their true path in life. When a fellow teacher asked her to teach what she had learned about helping students, Jeanie designed courses to do just that. Jeanie then decided to take what she is teaching and make it available to a larger audience. One of her main courses is called Bully Proofing You: Taming the Bully Between Your Ears.
She has found success or a lesson in everything she has ever tried to do and accomplish. She loves teaching people who want to improve and make a difference in and with their lives. Jeanie is the majority owner in two very successful businesses and teaches people from all walks of life how to create the life they desire. Her passion and enthusiasm will have you filled with excitement while you learn how to create your own incredible life.