Category: Thoughts and Suggestions

03 Oct 2024

Life Changes at the Speed of Thought

What a beautiful weekend we had in Utah. The fall colors are so amazing. I enjoy the sights and smells of fall. The yellows, oranges, reds, and pale greens amongst the evergreens are vibrant. The slight breeze had the leaves swirling through the air with grace and ease to settle on the road as we passed by at a crawl.

Driving the Alpine Loop is a favorite pastime in the fall, and everyone seemed to have had the same idea as us.

It was such a blessing to sit on the back of the Harley and take it all in. It sank into my heart that the Lord had made all this beauty for us, and I thanked Him for it. I turned my face to the sun and felt it’s warmth. I breathed deeply and smelled the earthy tones of autumn. I wanted to stretch out my arms and let it bath me, but I held back.

I remembered the movie City of Angles with Meg Ryan. There’s a scene where she’s riding her bicycle on a back country road. She’s enjoying life and all it has to offer. She has the sun on her face and the wind in her hair. She puts her arms out turning her palms up to receive and throws back her head putting her face to the sun. It’s blissful and serene.

This idyllic moment is shattered by a logging truck pulling out in front of her and she dies as a result of her injuries. That fictional moment has stopped me from enjoying moments in my life. It has kept me from truly drinking in and savoring every moment because I was afraid of what might happen.

And then my husband asked me what I was thinking. We do that often to check in and understand one another better. I asked him if he remembered the City of Angles movie.

“Do you remember the part where she puts her arms out enjoying to moment and then dies?” I asked.

“Yes” he replied.

“Well, I was thinking of doing that, but I remembered that scene. I was thinking about the horrible part of it, so I didn’t put my arms out.”

“Yeah, but she was driving. She should have kept her eyes on the road. I’m driving so you’re safe.”

And just like that my world changed. As I thought about it more with my arms stretched wide and the sun on my face, I realized when I give my life to God and let Him drive, I’m safe.

I can relax because He’s got this. When I try to do things with my strength, I fail. I’m not strong enough and when I allow God to add His strength to my weakness, we can do anything.

In Ephesians Paul is praying for the spiritual growth of the church and in chapter 3 verse 16 he says, “I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit.” NLT

That is what God does when we ask Him into our hearts. He empowers us to do the things we need and want to do. He gives us strength to live according to His will.

That’s my wish for you today. That you will be filled with the Holy Spirit so you can do all things as well.

26 Sep 2023

My Life Changed in One Day

If you read my past newsletter, you know that I’ve been out of commission since January. I was dealing with balance and dizziness so severe that I couldn’t walk without assistance and driving was out of the question.

July 1, I had enough of being a captive in my home and started walking. That first day it took me an hour to walk a mile. It was rough. I ordered some balance trekking poles from Amazon and started my outdoor adventure. Last week I had gotten up to 4 or 5 miles a day and was walking at a 21-minute mile pace.

I was feeling fairly able and looking forward to better days. I was even able to drive once in awhile on my good days.

Now, it’s confession time. I never asked the Lord what I should do. I stopped meditating about 2 years ago. Why? I’m not sure. I just drifted. It’s easy to do. I get in the habit of doing something and then I wonder if it’s really helping. Then I decide I’m too busy and let it go. I then find myself in a different realm than I wanted to be i and I wonder why. I analyze my habits and find out those things I wasn’t sure if they were helping me or not were exactly what I needed to stay on track to achieve my goals. Silly me!

Confession number 2. November of last year we were having some financial problems. We looked at our budget and saw we were spending $360/month on Doterra Life Long Vitality pack (LLV). One dose for me and one for my husband. We made the financial decision to cut back so we went to a ½ dose.

In December during my yearly physical, I told my doctor I was experiencing some dizziness. He said it would probably resolve itself in a few weeks and if it didn’t to come back and see him. I finished my LLV ½ dose that month.

January 12 of this year I went back to see my doctor because I was getting worse NOT better. The decision to stop working was made and the testing began. I had so many tests for my eyes, ears, neck, brain, blood, and balance. All of which came back negative which was good because it wasn’t anything requiring surgery.

In May they diagnosed me with vestibular migraines and put me on Ajovy. I was told it could take up to 3-4 months to take effect. Ajovy is a once a month shot that I gave myself subcutaneously. I had a horrible rash, pain, and swelling at the sight lasting 7 days or longer.

On Sept 19, 2023, I told my neurologist I was still having symptoms and it seemed to be getting worse. She told me she was calling in two new prescriptions for me. After talking to her and asking many questions, she explained to me that no one really knows what causes migraines, and everyone is different in how they respond to the medications. (If you want to talk more about this, please reach out to me.)

After some God designed coincidences, one being my mentors Kirk and Kim Duncan on Friday Sept 15 and the other being a meeting with Andy and Natalie Goddard on Sat Sept 16. I got up Sunday morning at 3:30 am Sept 17, 2023, and did my first meditation in just over 2 years. I’m VERY grateful to say that the Lord had been waiting for me. He had some things to say and one of them was what I needed to do to get healthy. START TAKING YOUR LLV NOW.

I had to wait until Friday Sept 22 when my husband got paid to order them. Thursday and Friday were really dad days for me. I was so nauseous, all I wanted to do was lay in bed. Friday morning at 10:30 am I ordered and picked the LLV from Doterra. I took ½ a dose because when I first started taking LLV in 2018 I didn’t sleep for about 36 hours, so I wanted to start slow. At dinner I noticed my nausea was gone and I was feeling better.

I get up at 6:30 am or before usually and Saturday was no exception. I got up and fed the cat in the back yard and the birds. I had a mild dizzy spell and head rush. I thought I should go eat something. I got a bagel and cream cheese and took ½ dose of LLV with my breakfast and then the other ½ with lunch.

It is now Monday Sept 25 and I’m happy to report that I feel back to my old self. I’m able to drive. I walk without assistance. I even chopped wood for an hour Sunday afternoon and again this morning. I have NO dizziness, nausea, or head rush. I’m 100% back to full health after 10 months of struggle and sickness.


And the money I thought I was saving by not taking LLV? Let me break down the numbers for you!

Doctor’s visits $853.88

Prescriptions $216.15

Physical Therapy $607

For a total of $1,677.03

Missed wages $19,832.18.

Grand total decreasing my LLV to save money -$21,509.21.

Staying on Doterra $180.50 per month.

I could have purchased Doterra for every person in my family and then some.


So, if you’re wondering does LLV really work? That myth has been busted. YES, IT DOES!

Save yourself some money and stick with your Doterra LLV.

If you had to choose between being healthy or being wealthy, which one would you choose. What if you could have both? What if you didn’t think that was an option?

I’m just asking.

19 Sep 2023

Life’s Fragile

Life’s Fragile

This past week I’ve been spending extra time with my family and friends. It started last Sunday, September 10, 2023. I sat on my bed thinking of the thousands of people who went to bed 22 years ago that didn’t live to see another evening.

How many of them didn’t kiss their kid’s goodnight? How many of them had a fight with their spouse? How many of them didn’t enjoy something they love because __________? Fill in the blank. We have our reasons for doing the things we do. Have you checked yours lately?

How do I live for today while planning for the future? I found out last week.

  1. Take time to show love and appreciation for others. Smile, give hugs, say please and thank you, pause and look into their eyes, be with them 100% in that moment.
  2. Dream Big guilt free. I have BIG dreams and I used to make them small because I felt guilty wanting more when others have so much less. I realized I was putting limits on God. I didn’t believe He could answer my requests and still have enough for others. Silly ME! He is abundant beyond my wildest dreams and can supply everyone with what they want. So, you might ask, “Why doesn’t He?” Because… (That is a very long answer I will attempt to answer later.)
  3. Enjoy the journey. Take a moment to pause and see, really see, the beauty that is all around. Find the mini miracles in your day. Just a few of mine from the week:
    1. The birds and the bees, the green grass and the trees.
    2. My body’s ability to heal and repair the damage done during the day.
    3. Running water and a home.
    4. A cozy bed and a loving husband.
    5. The memory of those that have gone before and are no longer with me.
    6. My ability to learn and grow.
    7. Music to help me feel all of my emotions.
    8. The straw in my drink so I can partake as I’m driving, and I get thirsty.
    9. The funny cat and dog videos on social media.
    10. My ability to smell and touch.
  4. The destination is short lived. That’s why we need to enjoy the journey. It can take years to achieve a goal and then you have it. Celebrate it. Enjoy it. Tell others about it because soon you’ll be moving on to your next goal.
  5. Spend time with God every day.
    1. Read the Bible because it’s His love letter.
    2. Communicate with Him because relationships wither and die if we don’t stay connected. Sit in silence and let Him talk. It’s a two-way street and you know how it feels when you’re talked at not to.
    3. Ask Him what His will is. Let Him be in every moment.
    4. Keep Him in my boat.
  6. Remember to do for one what I want to do for the world.

I pray you have a blessed day.

Thank you for spending some time with me.

19 Sep 2023

Women’s Lib Robbed Me

Women’s Lib Robbed Me

When I was younger, I saw an ad of a woman dancing around the kitchen with a frying pan singing, “I can bring home the bacon. Fry it up in a pan and never never let him forget that he’s a man.” Now, I don’t know with 100% accuracy if those were the exact words because that was about 40 years ago.

I do know what it taught me because it has taken me all those years to learn something else. That ad coupled with many other worldly sentiments filled my head with the idea that women were supposed to do it all:

Provide for their families – financially and practically.

Be sexy no matter what they were doing.

Never show weakness because weakness was bad.

If you know me and my past, you know that I spent most of my life trying to be a strong independent woman, showing others I could do anything a man could. I was the first female to earn a spot on the Ranger Challenge team. I was the first female Rick Majerus hired for his boys’ basketball camps. I could list many experiences in which I was the only female. I was proud of those things, and I had worked hard to make it to that level. I was trying to prove I was acceptable.

As a single parent for many years, the belief that I had to be everything rolled into one was driven even deeper. I found myself being a father and mother in my home. It was difficult and it was necessary because of the way things were.

If I had known then what I know now, things would have been different. I’m not sure how but I know they would have because I have learned that God made us male and female for a reason. The list is long and important, and I want to focus on one part.

Men and women are different because God made us that way. God wants us to live a life of blessing and the best way to do that is by following His word. When we live as He wants us to, we are naturally blessed as much as possible in a fallen world.

There are traditional roles for men and women and the “women’s lib” movement has robbed many men and women of those traditional roles by blurring the lines and now removing the lines altogether. For time’s sake men are made to be providers and protectors and women are made to be nurturers and supporters.

In July of this year, my short-term disability payments came to an end, but my body was not ready to go back to work yet. I was still having health issues, so my husband and I had some decisions to make. Our discussions concerning those decisions took place over about three weeks. My husband said on several occasions he would support whatever decision I made. He also told me he was willing to work extra hours so I wouldn’t have to work outside the home.

It was agonizing and I labored over making the right one. Did I pick up the role I had been living my entire life or did I step into the one God had planned for me? This realization of the difference between the two came about from 22 years of my husband and God leading me in the direction I needed to go.

I’m proud to say I’m a housewife and I have stepped fully into that role. I really enjoy planning meals and cooking them. I even baked two dozen cupcakes for a fundraiser at our church. I was told they were a hit and everyone of them was purchased and enjoyed.

I was a bit nervous about dropping them off because I didn’t have a container to put them in for transport and the saran wrap I used to cover them stuck to a few of them. It feels good to be stepping into my role as a housewife. I think of how different my children’s lives would have been.

I pray we can turn the tide I see in the world of gender swapping and get back to what God wanted for us. Male and female He created us. Let’s be male and female and live life as God intended it in the beginning.

24 Jun 2021

Control the Weather in Your Home

I live in Cedar Hills, Ut and today it’s raining. I love the rain it reminds me of Morton, Washington. My home town. I have all my windows and doors open enjoying the smell and the cool air.

Yesterday it was in the 90’s and has been for some time. We need the water and so does mother earth.

Enjoying the weather got me to thinking about my life and how I have learned to control the weather in my mind and in my home. It’s a powerful thing to be able to do and it takes practice and time.

I go into more detail, about 16 min., in my podcast.

Let me know if you enjoy it or not.

Have a beautiful day my friend,

25 May 2021

A Book And A Box Changed My Life

Are you tired of doctors practicing on you? I’m not knocking doctors they are valuable members of our life. I’m just tired of so many mixed and differing views and trying to sift through it all.

I also know that my body is very sensitive to medications. I’ve become allergic to just about every antibiotic there is. I use to take about half of what was prescribed.

I would get a UTI and if you’ve had one your experience might be like mine. I would feel the first tinges coming on and by the time I could get to the doctor and get my medicine I would be peeing blood.

Then I found doTERRA Lemon Grass. Now, I take three drops in a veggie cap and my body uses it to help its self heal the infection. No blood no pain no problems.

If you have recurring UTI’s or other ailments, you might what to check doTERRA out. They’re 100% natural. If the bottle says lemon grass, that’s the only thing in that bottle.

I could go on and on about how we have been able to take care of so many other ailments with a book and a box but I won’t. I’ll just invite you to a Zoom class tonight.

I would love for you to join me tonight and every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM Mountain time on Zoom for our Intro To Oils Class.

You can join us by going to Send me a text to let me know if you going to attend so I can send you a gift. 801-735-5746.

I look forward to connecting with you this evening.

Have a blessed day,

20 May 2021

Do You Need A Coach?

If you’re like I used to be, you say things to yourself you would never think of saying to anyone else.

Sometimes I still do. That is why I teach Tools for Taming the Bully Between Your Ears. So I don’t drift from my path and go back to old ways.

I’m so glad that others get so much out of what I have learned. It saves them time, energy, and money to learn from me and my mistakes.

You can as well. I have a few more spots for the online Zoom meeting this Saturday at 10:00 AM Mountain time for you and your family to join me.

Make sure you register NOW before it’s to late. Hi there,

When: May 22, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Tools for Taming the Bully Between Your Ears

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

I’ll see you Saturday.

16 May 2021

Shero’s Gala

Yes, you!

I want to personally invite you to something special. This is a project from my heart, which is why I’m reaching out to your directly, to extend you a personal invitation! I’d love you to join me for a special, free, Virtual Gala this Thursday evening.

It’s called, “RAISE THE ROOF: A Night to Inspire!” Presented by my dear friend’s nonprofit, SHEROES United, they’ve put together the most extraordinary night you can watch from the comfort of your home!

I’m pleased to announce, that Kechi Okwuchi, is our Keynote Speaker and Singer! Kechi will be sharing her remarkable story of overcoming a deadly plane crash, where she was one of only two survivors (out of 120). She sustained burns over 65% of her body – and yet “she rose” to stand against bullies, hatred and self-doubt to become an award-winning singer on American’s Got Talent, a TEDx speaker, and beloved American icon of deep beauty and resilience.

Her team reached out to other motivational musicians: Christian Rapper Chris James, known as 5ive, David Archuleta & Paul Cardall, as well as Hillary Weeks!

I’m personally stoked to share my friend and comedian Jason Hewlett. You’ll also never forget the inspiring stories of Lance Schiffman, Sarah Finkelstein, Allicia Johnson and yours truly. You will also hear, firsthand, from a brave survivor of human trafficking as she comes on to share her story.

So, what is this night all about?

First, to bring hope to what has been for many, a dark and dreary world. People are ready for spring, ready for hope, ready to be awake and to be inspired! Bridget’s organization is one that DARES to change the world through love. DARE to us = Dignity. Action. Respect. & Education.

Second, your participation helps us in our work to help women and families rise beyond trauma and victimization into victory! Your support helps us to abolish human trafficking, eradicate domestic violence, and support women vets and 1st responders all overcome very real trauma and RISE. Our programs have been successfully utilized in prisons, with refugees, in domestic violence shelters, and with survivors of human trafficking. We create a way for them to create self-mastery and rise as leaders. How? What we have discovered is that when we are needed, we rise.

If you have the desire to know more of what we’re about, please join me during this free, livestreamed event! Thursday, May 20 from 7-8:30pm @SHEROES United Facebook Page, or online at

I’m so excited to have you with me. You’ll be able to witness my heart in motion.

I do have one favor to ask. I need you, and your influence.

Do you know someone who has been struggling and who might deeply need this night to be inspired? I’d love it if you asked them to join you. At some time in each of our lives, just knowing someone cares enough to invite us and can make all the difference in the world.

Also, feel free to share on your social media if you are inspired? My team and I can use all the help we can get, and we would be honored if you help more people know.

#RaiseTheRoof #SHEROESUnited #ANightToInspire #DARE #DoubleDogDARE

#AbolishTrafficking #EradicateDV #SupportWomenWarriors #WW1R

Warm hugs of love, excitement and gratitude for you!
Have a blessed day and I look forward to seeing you there.

11 May 2021

He Lost His Glove And It Might Have Saved His Life

Everyday before my family leaves the safety of our home, I pray for them to be safe on their journey.

Do you talk to God?

This past weekend my husband and I were speaking with one of my mentors at his home in Provo. Laurence mentioned how he had lost his glove at work and spent 10 minutes looking for it. He kind of chuckled and said, “I didn’t move ten feet. I looked every where. I even pulled my truck forward to see if it was under the side dump. I never did find it.”

My mentor, Kirk, told us an amazing story that I’m going to try and share with you.

He said, “Awhile back two of my friends were driving to see another friend who lived about 30 minutes away. To get to the home they had to cross a toll bridge. Since they didn’t usually carry money to two friends made sure they had exact change for the tollbooth. They stacked five quarters on their console and continually checked them throughout their drive. The quarters never moved.

Upon arriving at the tollbooth, the driver of the car reached over to grab the stack of coins to pay the fee. The coins were gone. They looked everywhere. The money had just diapered. Vanished if you will.

With nothing to do but turn around and head back toward home, they did just that. With a bit of frustration I might add. To their astonishment, not ten minutes later, the coins showed back up on the console as they were driving toward home.

They deduced they were not supposed to see their friend that day. God is the master of delay when it is needed.”

I looked at my husband as we both thought of the two accidents he had narrowly missed on Friday. The day he lost his glove. One of the accidents had caused a fatality. Why was my husband spared? I don’t know but I do believe in the power of prayer.

Do you?

Have a beautiful day my friend and go with God.

09 May 2021

To Mom With Love

Happy Mother’s Day,

Even if we are not all mothers we are all mothering in some way and at some point we had a mom and Mom’s are special.

This mother’s day I want to give you a gift in honor of my mom who passed away Nov. 5, 2016. My way of saying thank-you for opening your email just like she opened her arms to me every time I needed a hug. I know many people don’t open their arms or their emails any more but you do and I felt you should be rewarded.

Kind of my way of giving you a hug from a distance.

You’re invited to my next Zoom training absolutely FREE. All others have to pay a small fee, $27, but not you, your family, and your friends. As long as they’re in the room with you, they can attend FREE of charge as my guest. Thanks to you. (Please do NOT share this link with anyone.)

You can register for our May 22 Tools for Taming the Bully Between Your Ears here. The class will be held two Saturday’s from now at 10:00 AM MST. So, invite your friends and family over for some breakfast or lunch after and join me for a training that will change your life for the better.

Not everyone is receiving this email. However, space is limited so please take a moment now and register before it’s to late. Also, the first five people to register get another special gift from me. Why? Because I love you and I want to show it.

Happy Mother’s Day to you. May you be blessed today and every day.

As I was watching the above video and thinking of my mom, I realized the things it was saying were true of me as well. I’m a mom and I hope my kids feel the same way I do about my mom.

I love you to the moon and back.

Have a beautiful day,

09 May 2021

He Lost His Glove And It Just Might Have Saved His Life

Everyday before my family leaves the safety of our home, I pray for them to be safe on their journey.

Do you talk to God?

This past weekend my husband and I were speaking with one of my mentors at his home in Provo. Laurence mentioned how he had lost his glove at work and spent 10 minutes looking for it. He kind of chuckled and said, “I didn’t move ten feet. I looked every where. I even pulled my truck forward to see if it was under the side dump. I never did find it.”

My mentor, Kirk, told us an amazing story that I’m going to try and share with you.

He said, “Awhile back two of my friends were driving to see another friend who lived about 30 minutes away. To get to the home they had to cross a toll bridge. Since they didn’t usually carry money to two friends made sure they had exact change for the tollbooth. They stacked five quarters on their console and continually checked them throughout their drive. The quarters never moved.

Upon arriving at the tollbooth, the driver of the car reached over to grab the stack of coins to pay the fee. The coins were gone. They looked everywhere. The money had just diapered. Vanished if you will.

With nothing to do but turn around and head back toward home, they did just that. With a bit of frustration I might add. To their astonishment, not ten minutes later, the coins showed back up on the console as they were driving toward home.

They deduced they were not supposed to see their friend that day. God is the master of delay when it is needed.”

I looked at my husband as we both thought of the two accidents he had narrowly missed on Friday. The day he lost his glove. One of the accidents had caused a fatality. Why was my husband spared? I don’t know but I do believe in the power of prayer.

Do you?

Have a beautiful day my friend and go with God.

04 May 2021

Scars and What They Mean To Me

I wanted to share one of my favorite stories with you, <>,

Some years ago, on a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went.

He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the shore.

His father working in the yard saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In utter fear, he ran toward the water, yelling to his son as loudly as he could.

Hearing his voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his father. It was too late. Just as he reached his father, the alligator reached him. From the dock, the father grabbed his little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the father, but the father was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard the screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.

Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the animal. And, on his arms, were deep scratches where his father’s fingernails dug into his flesh in his effort to hang on to the son he loved.

The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy after the trauma, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, “But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Dad wouldn’t let go.”

We all have scars. My favorite scars are the ones that came from my heavenly father not letting go of me in my deepest pain filled moments. The way He fights for me, even to the point of His own death, reminds me that I’m special in His eyes.

I don’t always share those stories because I’m not sure how they will be received. I’ve decided that I can no longer let that stop me from sharing His amazing love and grace.

Remember, no matter where you are, God is there. He is waiting for you to connect with Him. He loves you no matter what. All you need do is say His name and He will come into your life and change it.

How do I know? He has done that for me.

Have a blessed day my friend.