Dreamer vs. Achiever
Are you a dreamer or an achiever? Well, I hope you’re both. You need to dream before you can achieve. It’s just that some people get stuck in the dreamer stage. It happens; I understand. There are many parking spaces on this road called life. Have you been in one for a while now? Is it time to move on? Remember the first step to change is awareness. What have you become aware of lately that you feel you need to change? Would you like some help with that? Wonderful! I don’t have all the answers, but I do have some. I’d love to be of service.
Step One: Start with a dream. Get emotional about it. See this new life through your own eyes. Imagine the sounds you would hear while living every day. What kind of food would you eat? Do you have fresh flowers on the table? What do they smell like? Are you on the beach? Feel the sea breeze and smell the salty air. Get as many senses into your dream as you can. Make it real, live it in your mind, make it colorful and vibrant, put music to it. Every day live this dream for a few moments. I live mine in the morning. It reminds me of why I’m doing what I’m doing.
Step Two: Have you tried to make this dream a reality before? If so, what stopped you? If not, what other dreams have passed you by and what stopped you then? If you know what has stopped you in the past, you can make a plan to overcome it this time. Take a few moments and set up some ideas on how you will overcome the obstacles that are coming your way. Trust me they are on the way. I don’t know why people say it is so easy. IT’S NOT! It will take work. You will have to push through fear. You are going to blow your comfort zone apart. If you want something new, you have to be willing to do new things. Make a plan for what you’re going to do to keep moving forward. It increases your chances of taking action but you still have to implement the plan when adversity comes along.
Step Three: Follow someone who has gone before. When you ask someone for advice, you save yourself time and effort. The key is asking the right people. You must ask of those that have created what you want to create. Everyone has advice to give, and they truly want to help. If they haven’t walked the path, they can’t be your guide. They’re just guessing like you are. You can guess and “what if” yourself all day long; you need someone who can tell you how it really is.
Step Four: Take your first step. Then another, and another, and another, and another. You get the point. Everyday keep stepping. Everyday take action. Everyday counts. When I was a personal trainer, I found that the clients who came to the gym six or seven days a week did much better long term than the ones that came only three. Why? Because they created the habit of working out. If you only do something part of the time, it becomes very easy to stop full time. When you move forward every day, you build momentum and you are more likely to run right through pitfalls as they pop up. Remember, humming bird steps count too. It doesn’t matter how small the step it matters that you have the courage to take that step.
Step Five: Keep your eye on your dream. Keep it close to you. Let it pull you into the future you are creating every day with your decisions and actions. Use it as fuel to keep your fire burning. Get emotional about what you want and why you want it. Emotion is energy in motion so use it. When you get scared, ask yourself. “What am I focused on?” Is it your dream or the obstacles? My guess is it’s the problems. Refocus on your dreams and move forward again.
Step Six: Celebrate your wins and be grateful for the many blessings you have. It feels so good to have a grateful and glad heart. Take time to see how far you’ve come and give thanks. We do the Snoopy dance here. It’s free and burns calories. Pick something you enjoy and make sure you celebrate your wins. Celebrate the fact that you are one step closer. Now is all the time you have so, right now take action and celebrate the fact that you did. When you feel like lying in bed and sucking your thumb, get up and take action then celebrate and give thanks for what you have accomplished.
Step Seven: Repeat and ask for help if you find yourself off track. Small adjustments are easier than big ones so make them when you realize you need to. Don’t wait until it becomes a stronger habit. Make the correct habit from the start so you don’t have to change it. Measure, monitor, and adjust and keep moving forward. You got this. I know you do. So many have already gone before, you’re not alone. There are people on the path you just have to find them. Keep your chin up and your eyes focus on what you want and you will make it.
Maybe step seven has a bunch of little steps in there, but you understand. You can have anything you want; you just have to remember what it is you truly want and move toward it– sometimes on your belly.
Drill Sargent Young was right. Learning how to low crawl can save your life.
Take action and enjoy the journey.
Have a very successful week, and I’ll talk with you soon,