For professional speakers, sales personnel, and leaders.
This is only for people who are or want to be in sales, professional speaking, or leadership. I don’t want to waste your time if this does not pertain to you. So, if you are not any of the before mentioned, I’ll talk to you later.
I want to take a moment and introduce you to a mentor and friend of mine, Dr. Jeffrey Magee. He has changed my life with his mentorship and trainings. In December 2013 I took his ProSpeaker Biz Bootcamp. I went home and put into action some of the things he had taught me. (You receive so much information that you can pick and choose what to implement.) The first quarter of 2014 I made more than I had the previous year.
I set a new goal to double my income again. I went to the refresher course in April and applied some more tips and strategies. I am happy to announce I have once again doubled my income and this time by the third quarter. With his coaching and with the recommend of a colleague I met at the first bootcamp, I just quadrupled my last year’s income.
That means – by the first quarter I had made double my annual income. Then within six months I had doubled it again. I wasn’t sure I would make ii, but then Natalie Forest recommended me and that was the deal that made my goal a reality.
You to can have the same kind of results. Jeff has another bootcamp coming up September 13-14 in Las Vegas. You really have to be there if you want to increase your potential to impact people and change their lives. You have a calling and Jeff can help you perform it better. Money follows value. The more value you provide, the more money you make.
It’s time to play bigger and reach more people.
Check out this link or send me an email and I will personally introduce you to him. Do it now.
Have an earth-shattering day,