He Lost His Glove And It Just Might Have Saved His Life
Everyday before my family leaves the safety of our home, I pray for them to be safe on their journey.
Do you talk to God?
This past weekend my husband and I were speaking with one of my mentors at his home in Provo. Laurence mentioned how he had lost his glove at work and spent 10 minutes looking for it. He kind of chuckled and said, “I didn’t move ten feet. I looked every where. I even pulled my truck forward to see if it was under the side dump. I never did find it.”
My mentor, Kirk, told us an amazing story that I’m going to try and share with you.
He said, “Awhile back two of my friends were driving to see another friend who lived about 30 minutes away. To get to the home they had to cross a toll bridge. Since they didn’t usually carry money to two friends made sure they had exact change for the tollbooth. They stacked five quarters on their console and continually checked them throughout their drive. The quarters never moved.
Upon arriving at the tollbooth, the driver of the car reached over to grab the stack of coins to pay the fee. The coins were gone. They looked everywhere. The money had just diapered. Vanished if you will.
With nothing to do but turn around and head back toward home, they did just that. With a bit of frustration I might add. To their astonishment, not ten minutes later, the coins showed back up on the console as they were driving toward home.
They deduced they were not supposed to see their friend that day. God is the master of delay when it is needed.”
I looked at my husband as we both thought of the two accidents he had narrowly missed on Friday. The day he lost his glove. One of the accidents had caused a fatality. Why was my husband spared? I don’t know but I do believe in the power of prayer.
Do you? https://player.vimeo.com/video/99154214
Have a beautiful day my friend and go with God.