I did it and so can you.
Yes, I did it. I didn’t think it was possible, but now that I have accomplished what I set out to do, I realize it really wasn’t that hard. I took it one step at a time. I told myself right now I have to write this newsletter so it can go out Tuesday morning.
You see last year one of my mentors Jeff Magee told me to write a newsletter, and he challenged me to do it every week. This newsletter is my 52nd one. I never missed a week. It feels really good to be able to say I did it.
There were times when I had no idea what to say, so I created a habit of writing. I play some music that is perfect for the creative stage. I light a good smelling candle. I get my hot beverage to sip. I sit down at my desk. I ask the Lord to help me reach people that need help and support. Then I start writing.
You have seen the results of this effort over the past year show up every Tuesday in your email. I’m so glad that I have been able to accomplish what I set out to do. I feel the need to share a secret with you.
When I started this endeavor last January, I was scared. I was so scared I cried sometimes. It would take me about an hour just to type the first word. Now it takes about five to ten minutes depending on if I make coffee or just hot tea. The point is, it got easier. Now I almost enjoy it. I still feel fear from time to time but it is smoother. I can push through with ease.
It was so hard for me to write my book. The sheer terror I felt every time I sat down at my computer almost stopped me. All the voices of people making fun of me, telling me I was stupid, saying that I would never make it would sound off in my head when I tried to start. The system I learned from Gerry Robert helped me quite those voices so I could pull my message out of my head and put it on paper allowing me to share it with more people. I didn’t have a system for the newsletters so I had to develop one. That was part of the problem as well.
I am really good at following orders and directions, but creating the orders is more difficult. In the beginning, it was a lot of trial and error getting my system down. Now that I have my system, it helps me overcome my fear. I don’t know if the fear will ever be totally gone I just know it gets easier every time I face it.
Your comments help as well. It is always nice to hear how my message has touched you. Your questions help me know what to write about so keep them coming. We have another year to get through because I am making the same commitment for 2015 I made for 2014. Yes, I just got scared again, but if I did it once, I can do it again.
If you missed any of the newsletters and would like to read them, you can go to my websites. The letters that have to do with bullying are on www.bullyproofingyou.com on the blog page. The ones that have to do with relationships are found at www.jeanieciscometh.com also on the blog page. Some are posted on both sites. Feel free to leave a comment or contact me through the site. I believe it is now fixed. For most of the year the comments were going out into the clouds (That’s funny. Cloud, get it?), and I never received them.
I want to thank you for being such a big part of this past year, and I look forward to another exciting one. Thank you in advance for your input.
Have a wonderful day and a happy new year.