I dream BIG dreams

I dream BIG dreams

Mission Statement: We are bully proofing the world one community at a time by improving confidence and personal value from the inside out.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in taking the first few steps toward making this a reality.
As I write this newsletter, I am sitting in California and it’s Sunday morning. I have just put stretch-marks on my comfort zone and taken a HUGE step forward in bringing my mission statement to life.
I remember when I took my first solo drive in my car at the age of 17. I got lost in my own home town! I remember the first time I flew in an airplane by myself. My flight had a stop along the way to my destination and I got off in the wrong city!
I just finished traveling to five states in five days to give five presentations/trainings. I had to get a rental car in some states to get to my destination. I sometimes had to take a shuttle. I had to set up my room and carry out the training by myself. There were some learning moments but I did it!
I just completed a five day whirlwind trip successfully and I feel GREAT! I LOVE MY LIFE!!!
When I wrote my mission statement three years ago, I wasn’t sure how it would ever happen. Now I know, the Lord has grown me into the person I needed to be to make it happen. I have the support of family, friends, and you to make it a reality.  Together we can BULLY PROOF THE WORLD one community at a time.
Thank you for your time, commitment, and help in this endeavor.
May you be blessed as you have blessed others.
Talk with you soon,

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