If you want more, give.

If you want more, give.

Back in December 2014, my husband and I had a discussion. We were completing our after-action review for the year. Our Bully Proofing You business had performed two events for the entire year. We discussed why we thought that had happened. I had made my sales calls the way I was taught by Blair Singer at his Sales Explosion Event. (If you have a business, it is a must to explode your sales.) Things just weren’t falling into place. The first quarter we had EXPLODED. We had increased gross revenues by more than 120%. Why were the other three quarters so bad?

The answer I came up with – I told the Lord when I started I would give away every tenth event for free. “Lord, how can I give the tenth one for free if I don’t book that many?” “Give first then receive,” was the answer I got back. So I decided, you can’t out give the Lord.

I started filling out “call for presenter” forms. If my subject would help them, I sent it in. I called the local group homes I had connections with from when I was a teacher and offered my services. “All I want in return is for you to pay it forward (tell others you think would benefit so I can be of service) and a letter of recommendation if you like the impact you receive,” I told them.

In January, I had two events here in Utah. In February, I had none. In March, I had six in Washington state. April – three in Arkansas, Kansas, and California. May – nothing but an event I went to with my husband in Kansas for growing your transportation company. I had tried to book some events, but nothing came through. The reason – there was a class on negotiation I needed to attend. In June, I was blessed to be back in Utah at the beautiful Corner Canyon High School–all this time just giving. If they asked me, I was there. Did I get every deal I called on? No, but I kept calling and giving and hoping. In July, I went to Colorado with my son Max (you may have read about our adventure in my blog at www.jeanieciscometh.com). We talked to the USA Blind Athletes Association at the Olympic center. They put in an order for my book on audio and asked me to come back in September. I am now in the process of getting my book recorded. We also had two other events. Now for the BIG one.

My event this past weekend, again it was here in Utah at the South Towne Expo Center, in Sandy. My daughter was able to help me part of Friday and all day Saturday. I loved every minute of it. I had two different times on stage to teach and give. I also had a booth were people could stop by and visit.

A women by the name of Kimberly Fletcher stopped by. We started talking and she was asking me if I could be of service in many areas. I knew all of which I told I had no problem doing. I know that is a bit vague. I’m not trying to be really. I just don’t remember everything I agreed to I just remember it was all things I was willing and able to accomplish. The reason I don’t remember is because SHE BLEW MY MIND WITH HER NEXT REQUEST!!!!! She said, “Jeanie, how would you like to be a columnist for The Blaze?” I said, “The Glen Beck Blaze?” “Yes,” was her answer.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was in shock. I told her I would be honored to accept that invitation. I took her information and she collected mine. Once she had walked away from the booth, Erin and I did the Snoopy dance. Then we danced right in front of the entire room. Telling everyone, “This is how we celebrate.” “Anyone want to join us?” we asked. They all declined but smiled at our craziness. Then I went out and called my husband.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! This educationally challenged farm girl from Morton, WA was just asked to be a columnist for The Blaze. How incredible is that? The thought never entered my mind that kind of opportunity would come my way. I feel so blessed just to have two books on the shelves people can purchase. The Lord is amazing.

Thank you to everyone that has helped make this moment possible. I am blessed in so many ways.

The lesson I learned from all of this. Stop chasing the money and just live the life you love. You have a gift that will bless others. Go and bless them with your presence, your love, your mind, your heart, and your smile. The money will follow.

Thank you again for traveling this journey with me. You have blessed me.

Until next time,

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