Part 3 of 4

Part 3 of 4

I’m so excited about the response to parts one and two of my newsletters. You answered the questions and cracked your code. Many of you also had your spouse and your children crack their codes as well.

It was incredible how many of you immediately took the information given you in part two and applied it to communicating with your family members. You used it to increase communication and decrease conflict. Thank you for your wonderful words regarding the program.

Now, it is time for part three. How to put it all together. I’m sure most of you have taken some kind of personality assessment before and this one wasn’t that much different. It is exactly the same as those others and at the same time it is completely different.

The difference with the B.A.N.K. program is that it was reverse engineered to help you understand the other person better not just yourself. When you understand someone, you speak their same language; you increase communication and decrease conflict.

This is where part four comes in. I will be giving a training at my home in Cedar Hills, UT this Friday evening March 4 at 7:00pm. I will go more in depth about the different personality types and how that information can be used to not only help you have harmony in your home but help you make more money.

Registration starts at 6:30pm with the training starting at 7:00 and ending about 9:00. This training is FREE to you and a guest. I recommend your spouse or business partner. You can bring more if you would like. However, you must let me know if you are coming. This training is limited to friends and family. You are either one of these or both of them because you have just received this invitation.

If you are bringing more than one person, please let me know when you respond to this email letting me know you are coming.

I am so excited to be offering this life changing program here in my own back yard instead of around the country.

I am thrilled to have you and your partner at this exclusive first time offer in Utah.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you Friday evening.

If you want to bring food or drink to share with everyone, let me know as I would love the help providing for everyone.

If you can’t make it, let me know if you would like to receive a recording of the event.

Have an earth shattering day and live limitless,

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