Part 4 of 4

Part 4 of 4

We had a great turn out for part 4 of 4 at our home Friday evening and Saturday.

I called some of you and heard that Saturday would be better. Thank you to everyone who showed up and for those of you that let me know you would not be able to attend.

We have decided to hold the BANK training again. We just need some feedback on which evening or day works best for you. Reply to this email with your preference.

We had technical difficulties last week and were not able to record it. We will try again at the next training.

I was also able to get permission to extend the Pivot offer through this month.
I want to invite you to take advantage of this life changing opportunity to get Adam Markel’s new book Pivot for the cost of shipping. That’s right just $7.95 will get you a copy of the book when it is released in April but you must pre-order now.

You will also receive a FREE 21 day study guide.

I only have 77 copies left and you MUST purchase by the end of the month.

Click the link below for an amazing video and offer for the book Pivot
Thank you for your time today.

Have a earth shattering day and live limitless,

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