spent the last four days in a little room in Warsaw, Poland with about sixty incredible people learning how to make a difference in the world. It felt like a grass roots meeting from when America was birthed into a nation. Poland is an amazing country with special people. It has been an emotional trip for me.
After I had completed the training, I went out to see Warsaw. Today I went to Krakow. It is one thing to read about World War II and quite another to walk the ground on which it occurred. My feelings have been very raw. It is so painful for me to witness inhumanity in people; the concentration camps and labor camps were the pinnacle of inhumanity.
I know that it must never be allowed to happen again. My mission is to bully proof the world one community at a time by increasing confidence and personal value. We must guard against the evil in the world. We must guard against others that would hurt our children and families. We must take the time to educate the world to the horrors that follow a hardened heart. We must love our fellow man and have compassion when they are in pain.
Spend some time today connecting with others at the heart level. Really connect. Look into the eyes of a loved one and feel them. Let them know how precious they are to you. You never know how much time you have left to convey your love, so make sure you do it today. Take them in your arms if you can. Call them if you can’t. Make sure you do not go to bed without sharing your love.
Take care,