Are You Being Bullied?


Please answer the following questions on a scale of 1 to 3.
Scale: 1 – Agree, 2 – Neutral, 3- Disagree

1. I feel valued in my home. 1 2 3
2. I feel valued at school/work. 1 2 3
3. I am treated with respect. 1 2 3
4. I get offended easily. 1 2 3
5. I treat others with respect. 1 2 3
6. I listen to differing points of view without getting angry or upset. 1 2 3
7. I have many friends from differing races, religion, and gender. 1 2 3
8. I feel good about going to others to discuss things that are going on at school/work or in my home. 1 2 3
9. I like to try new things. 1 2 3
10. I value my opinion and decision making abilities. 1 2 3

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