To Mom With Love

To Mom With Love

Happy Mother’s Day,

Even if we are not all mothers we are all mothering in some way and at some point we had a mom and Mom’s are special.

This mother’s day I want to give you a gift in honor of my mom who passed away Nov. 5, 2016. My way of saying thank-you for opening your email just like she opened her arms to me every time I needed a hug. I know many people don’t open their arms or their emails any more but you do and I felt you should be rewarded.

Kind of my way of giving you a hug from a distance.

You’re invited to my next Zoom training absolutely FREE. All others have to pay a small fee, $27, but not you, your family, and your friends. As long as they’re in the room with you, they can attend FREE of charge as my guest. Thanks to you. (Please do NOT share this link with anyone.)

You can register for our May 22 Tools for Taming the Bully Between Your Ears here. The class will be held two Saturday’s from now at 10:00 AM MST. So, invite your friends and family over for some breakfast or lunch after and join me for a training that will change your life for the better.

Not everyone is receiving this email. However, space is limited so please take a moment now and register before it’s to late. Also, the first five people to register get another special gift from me. Why? Because I love you and I want to show it.

Happy Mother’s Day to you. May you be blessed today and every day.

As I was watching the above video and thinking of my mom, I realized the things it was saying were true of me as well. I’m a mom and I hope my kids feel the same way I do about my mom.

I love you to the moon and back.

Have a beautiful day,

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