Your Face Tells A Story
Do you know that the way you feel about yourself shows up on your face?
Good Morning,
My mom was right. Your face really will freeze if you keep making those faces. It takes some time but as you age your internal thoughts and feelings are branded into your face. Even if you’re young right now, you’re still being affected. When you think dark mean thoughts about yourself, you dim your inner light.
If you want people to be attracted to you, let your light shine. Most people don’t want a grumpy mean person hanging out around them unless they are mean and grumpy. Birds of a feather, my friend.
Right now, people are looking for joy and happiness. They want to feel good because so much of their life is in turmoil. They feel lonely and lost and they need you to bring some light and pleasure.
So, tame the bully between your ears so you can help others do the same.
I would love to share more with you through my podcast. You can listen to it here.
You can also join me in person or online for a class Feb 6 10:00 AM MST. You must register for either one. If you want to come in person, text me at 801-735-5746 or send me an email. If you would like to attend online, you can register here.
Feel free to bring a friend or two.
I look forward to being of service to you, your friends, and your family.